Search: Instrumentation Manager

Wake Forest students create plexiglas in a test tube

Instrumentation manager (Powder Diffraction and SEM)

 We are seeking to hire an instrumentation laboratory manager with expertise in the areas of powder/thin film diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.  This is a full-time position (renewable annually) with full benefits and will support the teaching, research, and service missions of the Chemistry department at Wake Forest University.

Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Chemistry (or equivalent). Qualified candidates are expected to have expertise in the operation and maintenance of powder diffraction and SEM instrumentation.  A proven track record in the acquisition and analysis of data is desired. The position requires managing the shared departmental X-ray and SEM resources, providing hands-on instrument training to undergraduate and graduate students, and collaborating closely with faculty and research groups on data collection and analysis. The manager will teach up to two courses/academic year (one/semester).

 Knowledge, Skills, Ability

The manager will serve the department as a resource for research members, including faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, as well as other scientists.  Performing routine maintenance/troubleshooting and keeping an operational lab with current software will be a high priority.  The ability to work effectively with a diverse user group is essential, as is the ability to provide one-on-one and small-group instruction. The manager will routinely train new users in routine and advanced XRD and SEM experiments covering a wide range of materials. Current major instrumentation includes a Bruker D2-Phaser, a Bruker D8-Discover, a Zeiss Gemini300SEM, and a Bruker Quantax EDS. Candidates should be familiar with acquisition and processing software as well as be able to assist with reporting technical information for manuscripts and research grants.

Wake Forest is a private collegiate university that balances the personal attention of a liberal arts education with the intellectual vitality and broad opportunities of a research university.  We strive for inclusivity and seek applicants with demonstrated success or interest in working with diverse groups. We especially encourage applications from those belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. Outstanding opportunities for multi-disciplinary collaboration exist with numerous WFU Centers ( and the WFU School of Medicine ( ).  At the heart of Wake Forest’s educational programs is the teacher-scholar ideal. For quick facts about the University, go to